Mindful Holiday Eating

Mindful Holiday Eating

Mindful Holiday Eating

As we step into the festive season, let’s dive into the art of mindful holiday eating. Discover how this approach not only keeps stress hormones at bay but also helps you avoid those unwanted holiday pounds. Let’s feast on the joy of the season while being kind to our bodies! 🎄🥗

Mindful Holiday Eating and Stress Hormones

Mindful eating is all about savoring each bite, being present, and listening to your body’s hunger and fullness cues. By practicing mindful eating, you can help keep stress hormones, like cortisol, in check. When stress is reduced, it’s less likely to contribute to weight gain—especially during the holidays when festive feasting is the norm.

Savor the Flavor: Tips for Mindful Holiday Eating

  • Engage Your Senses: Take a moment to appreciate the colors, textures, and aromas of your food. Engaging your senses enhances the eating experience and helps you stay present.
  • Slow Down: Chew each bite slowly and savor the flavors. This not only aids digestion but also allows your brain to catch up with your body, signaling when you’re comfortably full.
  • Portion Control: Be mindful of portion sizes, especially during holiday gatherings. You can enjoy your favorite treats without overindulging by paying attention to portion sizes.
  • Hydrate: Sometimes, our bodies can confuse thirst with hunger. Stay hydrated with water or herbal teas to ensure you’re meeting your body’s hydration needs.


Healthy Holiday Choices

  • Nutrient-Rich Options: Load up on nutrient-dense foods like colorful vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. These choices provide essential vitamins and minerals to support overall health. 
  • Balance is Key: Enjoy your favorite holiday treats, but aim for balance. Pair indulgent foods with nutrient-rich options to create a satisfying and well-rounded meal.
  • Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to hunger and fullness cues. It’s okay to enjoy holiday treats, but tuning in to your body’s signals can help prevent overeating.

Blood sugar balancing tips

Balancing blood sugar can be tricky this time of year when there are parties, holiday cocktails, Christmas cookies and candies around every corner. Like I’ve said before, I’m a big fan of the 80/20 rule. Do well 80% of the time and leave 20% of the time to enjoy life! I’m here to tell you that maintaining good blood glucose balance doesn’t have to be impossible during the holiday season.

I have been using a continuous glucose monitor over the past couple of months and some of the most insightful things I have learned is how different foods pair to together and how the order of eating really makes a difference. I’ve also learned I can get away with dessert not spiking my blood sugar if I eat it immediately after a high protein meal!

Here are some blood sugar balancing tips for mindful holiday eating!

  • Plan ahead when going to a party or gathering. If you are asked to bring a dish, bring something high in protein and fiber so you know there will be at least one healthy option. If you aren’t sure what is being served, have a salad (with a vinaigrette dressing for extra blood sugar regulation!) at home before you leave.
  • Be mindful of alcohol. Not only can some drinks be higher in sugar but alcohol often clouds our decision making so we might reach for things we may not normally eat or over-indulge.
  • During a meal, eat the protein and vegetables first and then the starch or carbohydrate to slow the absorption of carbohydrates which results in a decrease in blood glucose spike.
  • Have dessert right after dinner. Don’t wait until later. Eating dessert right after dinner (especially a meal high in protein and fiber) will result in a lower blood glucose spike than if you were to wait an hour or two and have dessert by itself. Plus, if you have dessert right after dinner, you’ll be less like to have a huge portion since you’ve just eaten a meal.
  • Go for a walk after a meal, even just 10 minutes can have a significant impact on blood glucose levels!


And in the spirit of Holiday Mindful Eating, I will leave you with a few Holiday Recipes to try out for an upcoming gathering or a night in at home 🙂

Goat Cheese Apple Bites

Pomegranate Pear Salad with Ginger dressing

Brussels Sprouts Au Gratin

Apple Cider Roasted Root Veggies

Holiday Mocktails

This holiday season, let’s embrace mindful eating as a powerful tool for nourishing our bodies and managing stress. By being present, making mindful food choices, and savoring the joy of the season, we can celebrate without compromising our well-being. 

I hope you enjoyed these tips for Mindful Holiday Eating! To learn more about Alison and Wild Rice Wellness click HERE!