Author: Alison Percowycz

Why Functional Medicine? I have seen an influx of new patients recently who have never seen a Functional Medicine practitioner, many of them health professionals themselves. Why Functional Medicine now? Many report they just know something is off and they aren’t getting answers from their conventional care team. Something I hear...

A Holistic Approach Thyroid Health To wrap up this blog series, this week we will discuss a holistic approach to thyroid health, which I consider to be one of the most important topics when thinking about the thyroid. As I have mentioned, in the conventional setting, once you are diagnosed with...

Thyroid and Reproductive Health  The Thyroid Connection to Fertility, Pregnancy and Postpartum The thyroid and reproductive health go hand in hand. Looking at fertility, pregnancy and the postpartum period, the thyroid is intricately involved and plays a major role in all of these delicate periods. The American Thyroid Association estimates that 1%...

Thyroid Laboratory Testing  In last week’s blog I discussed a basic overview of thyroid health: what the thyroid is, what it does, and what some causes and symptoms of hypothyroidism might be. (You can check that out here!). Now let’s dive into thyroid laboratory testing as this is one of the...

All About Thyroid Health Thyroid dysfunction is one of the most common things I see in my clinical practice, much of that being hypothyroidism. 1% of the population have overt hypothyroidism and another 10% of the population have subclinical hypothyroidism. It is estimated that 1 in 8 US adults will develop...

Summer Wellness: Hydration and Getting Back on Track After Vacation! This last Summer Wellness series blog is geared toward getting back on track after vacation and hydration for the summer months ahead! So vacation is over and maybe you over-indulged in tasty foods and beverages and now you are ready to get...

Summer Wellness: Travel Edition Next up in the Summer Wellness series is the Travel Edition! Summer travel season is upon us! Whether you are traveling by car (we are doing our currently on our annual roadtrip to Michigan!) or by plane, here are some tips and tricks to stay on track...

Summer Wellness: Nature Edition Summer is upon us and it is finally feeling like summertime here in Denver after a rainy Spring! On the blog in the next few weeks will be the Summer Wellness series that will include nature and how it can improve your health, summertime travel tips to...

An Integrative Approach to Migraine Throughout my time at the University of Colorado Headache Clinic, I have always been interested in an integrative approach to migraine care. I frequently offer patients recommendations on nutraceutical supplements, nutrition and lifestyle interventions in addition to prescribing the latest medications and performing procedures. At the...