Author: Alison Percowycz

Mindful Eating We cannot talk about gut health without talking about one of the most important pieces which is digestion and absorption! Mindful eating is a key component here. Many of us find ourselves mindlessly eating by scrolling on our phones, working through lunch, or watching TV. When we are distracted...

Prebiotics, probiotics and postbiotics, oh my! These terms are all the buzz in the health sphere, and for good reason! Our gut does some amazing things as you’ve learned in the past month from my other blog posts. If you haven’t checked them out, see the links at the bottom for...

HOW DO I IMPROVE MY GUT HEALTH?   Gut Health - The 5 R Functional Medicine Framework  Remove Replace Reinoculate Repair Rebalance The Institute for Functional Medicine has long been talking about gut health and healing and came up with the 5R Framework for healing the gut as a way to help support...

What is "leaky gut"? Leaky gut, formally known as Increased Intestinal Permeability refers to a phenomenon in which the intestinal lining or gut barrier becomes compromised letting the outside world into the body which can cause many problems. The gut lining is made up of a layer of mucosal cells that should...

What is the Gut Microbiome? I thought a good way to start the new year would be to go deep on one of my favorite topics, the gut microbiome! In this series of blogs over the next several weeks we will discuss the following topics: the gut microbiome, dysbiosis, increased intestinal...

MINDSET I don't know about you but I've always hated the "New Year, New You!" ads, as if the "old" you was less than, which is so not true. As a new entrepreneur, I have been working on my mindset and the ups and downs of building this practice. For 2023,...

Gratitude is something that has been ever present on my mind the past few weeks, even more than usual. With the holiday season upon us, I have had many patients express how grateful they are for caring for them, improving their quality of life and even just being an ear...

Whole30 Reset Join us this January for the Whole30 reset to improve your health starting the 1st of the year! So what is the Whole30? The Whole30 was developed as a way to eliminate processed and often inflammatory foods that tend to cause sensitivities and intolerances for a period of 30 days. The...

Cheers to a Healthy Holiday Season!  It’s the most wonderful time of the year! I love the Holiday season. Buying and wrapping gifts. Christmas music. Driving around looking at Christmas lights. And of course, all of the festive treats. This is a difficult time of the year if you are trying...